Mazara, Denise’s mom discovers two bugs at home and posts photos

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“Do you know what these are? Write it in the comments, let’s see who guesses”. So, on her own Facebook profile, Piera Maggio, mother of Denise Pipitone, the girl who disappeared in Mazara del Vallo in 2004. The woman posted a photo with two “bugs” found at home where she lives with Piero Pulizzi.

The two electronic devices were discovered during some maintenance work. “They were functioning correctly because they were connected to the electrical network – writes Maggio – now we will ask the authorities if they are state property or private. Obviously, we don’t know if there are others and, to tell the truth, we never had this curiosity because we had nothing to hide.”

Piera Maggio, who has tirelessly searched for her daughter over the decades, in the social media post wonders: “If they are state devices, do you think we should now ask for compensation for 20 years of appropriation of our electrical network?”. Piera Maggio has informed her lawyer, Giacomo Frazzitta, of the discovery.

Mazara, la mamma di Denise scopre due cimici in casa e pubblica le foto

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