Mayor of Marsala assigns responsibilities to seven councilors: the entire board is completely new

After appointing three new councilors two days ago (Francesco Marchese and Maria Donatella Ingardia, school principals; Giuseppa Valentina Piccione, psychologist), the mayor of Marsala, Massimo Grillo, has distributed the duties to his new center-right executive. Giacomo Tumbarello, former municipality technician now retired, is the new deputy mayor. He will also be in charge of ecological services, urban hygiene, municipal dog pound, beaches, urban planning, and waste management. Salvatore Agate will oversee tourism, transportation, productive activities, public companies, budget, finance, and taxes. Ivan Gerardi will be responsible for public works, sewage, water service, lighting, and cemetery services. Ignazio Bilardello will handle events and shows, sports facilities construction, sports, cultural heritage, school construction, sports facilities, and legal affairs. Giusi Piccione will manage social services, Mediterranean policies, and relations with the Iacp. Francesco Marchese will cover information systems, environment, circular economy, public education, and universities. Donatella Ingardia will be in charge of demographic services, equal opportunities, youth and cultural policies, municipal police, legality, and security. “With this team,” Mayor Grillo said, “I can be more present in the territory.” Amid resignations and dismissals from the administration that took office after the October 2020 local elections, the mayor remains the only “survivor.”

Il sindaco di Marsala assegna le deleghe ai sette assessori: la giunta è interamente nuova

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