Marsala: Ex-partner Hits Former Companion with Car on Scooter – Trial Postponed Requested.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office in Marsala has requested that Giuseppe Rallo, 28 years old, be brought to trial for attempted murder, domestic abuse, and theft. Rallo is accused of intentionally hitting his ex-partner with his car while she was on a scooter on the outskirts of Marsala on the evening of July 16th. The impact resulted in a broken leg, pelvis fractures, and damage to one of her kidneys. The victim had previously left the home she shared with Rallo, with whom she has two children, due to ongoing abuse. Rallo was arrested and imprisoned after the victim reported the incident to the police, and he is also accused of stealing her scooter. In late August, the victim, assisted by lawyer Vincenzo Forti, reported being threatened by her ex-partner’s grandfather in the presence of a friend, with orders to change her statement in court. Specifically, she was asked to claim that she had thrown herself at the car. The next day, she received a series of insulting and threatening voice messages from her ex-mother-in-law via WhatsApp. These voice messages were included in the complaint, which alleges the crimes of threats, harassment, and incitement to criminal activity.

Marsala, con l’auto investì l’ex compagna sul monopattino: chiesto il rinvio a giudizio

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