Marettimo, one student in middle school without a teacher: distance learning to be implemented

The middle school branch of the Antonino Rallo comprehensive institute in Marettimo, Italy, is facing a unique challenge: it has only one student, 11-year-old Giada. The school and local authorities are working together to ensure that education and learning continue in the remote island of Egadi, even in the absence of teachers. Giada will be able to continue her studies on her beloved island through distance learning and the use of digital technologies, allowing her to socialize with her peers. The mayor and the education and culture councilor emphasize that being an islander by choice should not be a limitation and that efforts are being made to integrate Giada into a class in nearby Favignana. The difficulty of recruiting teachers to Marettimo is an ongoing issue due to the logistical challenges posed by the island’s location. The arrival of a substitute math teacher has brought some hope, but a lasting solution is needed to preserve education and the island’s social fabric.

Marettimo, una sola alunna per la media senza prof: farà didattica a distanza

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