Man arrested in Catania for storing child pornography on the cloud

In the context of an investigation coordinated by the District Attorney’s Office of Catania, the police arrested a 22-year-old man from Catania who was found in possession of a significant amount of child pornography material. During a computer search, investigators from the Cybersecurity Operations Center of the postal police in Catania found a large amount of images and videos depicting minors, including young children, as victims of sexual abuse.

The suspect stored the illegal material in both electronic devices and password-protected cloud systems. The investigation started from an analysis activity on computer material seized during another investigation by the postal police in Verona on the sexual exploitation of minors.

The District Attorney’s Office of Catania requested and obtained the validation of the arrest for the suspect from the judge. The judge of the preliminary investigations ordered the suspect to serve house arrest.

Archiviava materiale pedopornografico sul cloud, arrestato a Catania

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