Man arrested for dumping waste in landfill in Termini Imerese

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New seizure by the coast guard, with the military personnel of Termini Imerese assisted by technicians from Arpa Sicilia who intervened and placed seals on an area of ​​80 square meters at the operational headquarters of a company operating in the sector of treatment and recovery of non-hazardous waste, verifying numerous non-compliance with the prescriptions contained or referred to in the environmental authorizations issued by the competent authorities.

The occupied area was seized along with the waste present, classified as non-hazardous, consisting of metallic scraps and big bags containing plastic straps, filters, and absorbent material. The legal representative of the company has been reported for abandonment and uncontrolled deposit of waste and non-compliance with the prescriptions contained or referred to in the authorizations.

Sequestrata una discarica di rifiuti a Termini Imerese, denunciato un uomo

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