Licata apartment catches fire while he sleeps: man rescued and taken to hospital

Fear in Licata for a fire in an apartment on Montesanto Street. The flames broke out in the home of a man who had not noticed anything: when the fire spread to his bedroom, he was sleeping. The alarm was raised by the neighbors, who were alerted by the strong smell of smoke that had reached the street. Dozens of calls were received at the emergency number 112.

Two teams of local firefighters arrived on the scene and rescued the man, taming the flames and preventing them from spreading further. The rescuers’ intervention lasted more than two hours: the fire spread quickly and caused extensive damage to the apartment.

At the scene of the fire, the emergency medical services also arrived and transported the man to the emergency room of San Giacomo d’Altopasso hospital. He had displayed mild symptoms of smoke inhalation and, as a precaution, was placed under the care of the doctors. The police officers also arrived on Montesanto Street and initiated an investigation to determine the causes of the fire.

A few months ago, two other house fires caused moments of fear in Licata. The first occurred on the ground floor of a building, a few meters from the central Corso Umberto, and the smell of burnt material alarmed many residents who immediately contacted the firefighters. When the flames broke out, no one was in the house and no injuries were reported. In the same street, another fire later occurred: the flames heavily damaged an apartment due to a boiler malfunction. In that case, an elderly person who had almost been trapped in the house was rescued.

Licata, l’appartamento va a fuoco mentre lui dorme: salvato un uomo e trasportato in ospedale

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