Lentini landfill, waste collection in 200 municipalities can resume: Region announces solution found

The article discusses how the waste collection in about two hundred municipalities in Sicily is set to restart following the shutdown of the Lentini Tmb plant. The President of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, signed an ordinance to address the situation. The article also mentions the approval of two opinions by the Coordination Nucleus of the Cts, which led to the reevaluation of the requests previously rejected by Sicula Trasporti. It also highlights the temporary storage and treatment of waste in Lentini until all necessary authorizations are completed. Additionally, it mentions the collaboration of waste treatment plant owners for the disposal of waste. The article concludes with criticism from environmental associations against the appointment of Schifani as a special commissioner for waste management.

Discarica di Lentini, la raccolta rifiuti in 200 Comuni può ripartire: la Regione annuncia che la soluzione è stata trovata

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