Journalist dies after surgery in Caltanissetta: 5 doctors under investigation

Five doctors are under investigation for the death of Lino Lacagnina, the journalist from “La Sicilia” who died on February 24, 2023 at the age of 74 at the Sant’Elia hospital in Caltanissetta, immediately after undergoing vascular surgery. The deputy prosecutor Simona Russo has issued a notice concluding the preliminary investigations on three vascular surgeons and an interventional radiologist at the Sant’Elia hospital and a head of vascular surgery from Udine, who was present during the surgery. Lacagnina’s wife and sisters, assisted by lawyers Vincenzo Toscano and Aldo Bellomo, filed a complaint. The five doctors are being investigated for manslaughter, aggravated by not following guidelines. According to the Caltanissetta prosecutor’s office, the vascular surgeons operated in violation of the Italian Society of Vascular Surgery guidelines, leading to Lacagnina’s death following an endovascular treatment of a thoracoabdominal aneurysm without rupture. The surgery was based on a CT scan report from October 5, 2022, four months before the death, which erroneously indicated the size of the aneurysm without conducting a complete multidisciplinary evaluation within a month before the surgery. Additionally, three vascular surgeons are also charged with the crime of material falsification in public records for failing to document the presence of the Udine professor in the operating room. The five doctors are represented by lawyers William Giacalone, Sergio Iacona, Giacomo Butera, and Rosaria Sammartino.

Caltanissetta, giornalista morto dopo un intervento: 5 medici indagati

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