Japanese entrepreneur chooses Palermo to celebrate his birthday and rents two hotels.

A Japanese entrepreneur has chosen Palermo to celebrate his birthday and has rented the Villa Igiea and Hotel Delle Palme for the occasion. Kaoru Nakajima is expected to arrive next week. A three-day event, currently scheduled for November 3rd to 6th, will include a series of events at the Politeama Theater and the Massimo Theater. 1,400 guests are expected. On Friday, November 3rd, there will be a show at the Politeama and a double musical performance at the Teatro Massimo set for November 5th. The 5-star hotels in Palermo are being bought out for those days, a new trend of selling the entire hotel to one person and their vacation companions. The details of the events in the Sicilian capital are still kept secret. This visit was postponed. Nakajima had planned to attend in 2020, but due to the pandemic, everything was rescheduled.

Imprenditore giapponese sceglie Palermo per festeggiare il suo compleanno e affitta due hotel

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