Italy’s lack of ‘risiko’ game: the geopolitical role of armed forces in Cannella’s book

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The strategic and global role of the armed forces in the international geopolitical challenge. A theme that is more relevant than ever and was the protagonist of the event that anticipated the fourth edition of the literary event Friends of the Book, at the Salinas Museum in Palermo, whose calendar will be presented in the coming weeks. The book “Italy does not play Risk” (Giubilei Regnani) by Giampiero Cannella was presented in the Agora of the regional archaeological museum. The event was organized by the Retablo association, Coopculture, and the Salinas museum.

Among others, Marco Romano, director of the Giornale di Sicilia, Sebastiano Bavetta, professor of economics at Unipa, Umberto Saccone, senior advisor Ey and adjunct professor at Luiss Business School, and Mayor Roberto Lagalla were present. Defense Minister Guido Crosetto sent a message to the public during the event, emphasizing that “the international situation, with the cowardly Russian aggression in Ukraine and crises in the Middle East – he explained – deserves attention to avoid further escalation: we were the first to help the Palestinian population, sending humanitarian aid, enabling the transport of children in danger of life to be treated in the best Italian pediatric hospitals. With Operation Levante, Italy reached out to those in need, supporting the civilian population and trying to alleviate their suffering. Defense – the minister emphasized – has played a crucial role, essential to ensure security and stability, a necessary prerequisite for the realization of kindergartens, schools, and hospitals. It is vital that defense and security be perceived as pillars of our national and global freedom and well-being,” Crosetto concluded.

Photo by Vincenzo Pipitone

«L’Italia non gioca a risiko», il ruolo geopolitico delle forze armate oggi nel libro di Cannella

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