Investigations into arson of a couple’s car in Licata

An car on fire in Licata. Last night, according to an initial reconstruction, a Fiat Punto owned by a couple was set on fire in via Torregrossa. A resident who immediately alerted the authorities saw the flames and raised the alarm. The firefighters from the Licata detachment intervened at the scene and extinguished the flames, while the carabinieri identified the owner of the vehicle. The military listened to the two Licata spouses, a 67-year-old man and his 60-year-old wife, to understand if they had seen or heard anything suspicious in the days leading up to the incident. No one noticed what was happening that night. The vehicle suffered significant damage. The Agrigento prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation file hypothesizing the crime of damage following a fire.

Licata, incendiata l’auto di una coppia di coniugi: indagini

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