Investigation uncovers Rap di Palermo’s clock cheaters: 101 individuals face charges for 1,385 incidents.

Employees at the Brancaccio office of Rap, the waste collection and disposal company owned by the Municipality of Palermo, have been caught engaging in various wrongdoings during work hours. The investigation, carried out by the Carabinieri police, was initially prompted by the report of fuel thefts from company vehicles. They discovered not only those responsible for the thefts but also widespread absenteeism and fraudulent practices. The investigation revealed that 101 employees had devised strategies to work as little as possible, including rotating the use of ID badges to create the appearance of attendance. The Rap management intends to take strict disciplinary measures, including possible dismissals. The investigation spanned from May to July 2021 and uncovered a total of 1,385 incidents, causing an estimated financial loss of nearly €40,000 due to approximately 2,800 hours of absence. The company’s president has expressed disappointment at the involvement of employees in criminal activities that harm both the company’s image and the diligent workers who fulfill their duties every day. This investigation further burdens Rap, as it continues to battle emergencies, address financial issues, and combat the widespread problem of illegal waste dumping in Palermo. The company is determined to take severe action against any guilty employees, including possible dismissals, to protect its future.
La maxi-inchiesta sui furbetti del cartellino alla Rap di Palermo, la carica dei 101 indagati: contestati 1.385 episodi
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