Investigation opened after complaint about Messina Strait bridge. Salvini: I will continue, not afraid of left or judges.

An investigation file, without suspects or charges, has been opened by the Rome prosecutor’s office after a report was filed by the Avs deputy, Angelo Bonelli, the Pd secretary, Elly Schlein, and Nicola Fratoianni, the secretary of Sinistra Italia, regarding the project on the Strait of Messina Bridge. The 9-page complaint was filed on February 1st and concerns the “planning and construction” activities of the infrastructure.

The Lega party had a strong reaction, stating that “The Pd and the left are against public works, jobs, and the country’s development. They prove to be enemies of Italy. Their threats will not stop us. We continue to work to unlock and complete all the projects that have been stagnant for too long.”

Bonelli, the co-spokesperson of Europa Verde and Avs deputy, responded to Minister Salvini by stating that the bridge is not a right, but only a political need. He criticized Salvini for diverting funds from social infrastructure projects and proceeding with a bridge project without proper environmental impact assessment approval.

In conclusion, Bonelli called on Prime Minister Meloni to pay attention to what her minister is doing.

Davide Faraone, the group leader of Italia Viva in the Chamber, questioned the need to involve magistrates in political disputes, stating that calling on the judiciary to settle political battles is an unacceptable step taken by the Pd and Avs.

Salvini, the leader of the Lega party, commented on the investigation, stating that he will continue his work as a minister regardless of the left, judges, or leftist journalists trying to intimidate him.

Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, aperta un’inchiesta dopo l’esposto. Salvini: vado avanti, non ho paura di sinistra o giudici

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