Investigation on worker safety equipment after Casteldaccia massacre: unprotected in wells.

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In addition to not having the masks with filters, as detected by the Firefighters, who yesterday recovered the bodies, the five workers found dead in the attic and in the sewer basin in Casteldaccia would have been without all the other mandatory safety devices by law when acting in a confined space.
In order to operate in these spaces, it is also necessary to use, before entering, the gas alert, a device that allows to detect pollutants, the one used by the Firefighters before intervening in the sewer.
This very tool detected the presence of hydrogen sulfide in quantities ten times higher than the safety limit: it is a gas produced by bacterial degradation, colorless and extremely toxic as it is irritating and suffocating.
Immediately after the tragic work accident, investigators went to the headquarters of Quadrifoglio Srl, the company from Partinico that won the maintenance works of the sewer network from Amap of Palermo: they are verifying if the workers were trained, as required by law, to work in confined spaces and acquire any certifications.
The works manager and the safety manager were interrogated and it is being verified if, as required by regulations, the appointed person was present at the time of the tragic work. In the face of safety non-compliance, the criminal offense for the employer is triggered.

Strage di Casteldaccia, giù nei pozzetti senza protezione: indagini sulle dotazioni di sicurezza degli operai

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