Interventions begin on Falcone tree in Palermo: “The plant is in good condition”

The plant is in good vegetative condition, and we are now carrying out interventions to reduce the risk of tree failure. This morning (May 16), the first maintenance work on the Falcone Tree began, aimed at preventing any type of collapse: after the checks carried out in the previous weeks concluded with the successful traction test, the municipality’s Green team carried out pruning supervised by agronomist Claudio Benanti.

“These interventions will be repeated in the coming years. Today we have made a minimal reduction in the weight of the branches by making small cuts to reduce the static load of the plant.” Meanwhile, notes have been reattached to the trunk: after the test carried out between the night of May 8 and 9, someone wanted to confide their thoughts to the symbol tree of the fight against the mafia. “They were attached with pins – Benanti explains – from a physiological point of view, it doesn’t help the plant, but as long as they are attached with drawing pins, it doesn’t affect it much. The problem arises when they become included bodies, such as wire or large nails, as we have found previously.” In this regard, many have called for a bulletin board to be created next to the tree in order to preserve the health of the plant without compromising the wave of love that daily surrounds the tree at via Notarbartolo 23.

Palermo, iniziati gli interventi sull’albero Falcone: «La pianta è in buono stato»

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