International forum “peace, security, and prosperity” lands in Palermo

The fourth international forum “Peace, Security, and Prosperity” has chosen Palermo: from March 17 to 20, the Sicilian capital will host thousands of high school students, university students, cadets from military academies, and military colleges, in dialogue with academics, military and public security professionals, peace operators, political leaders, and administrators, to explore the dynamics of the so-called “positive peace”, the philosophical concept theorized in the 1960s by the American sociologist Johan Galtung that analyzes the causes of war and the reverse requirements at the foundation and guarantee of peace. The forum days will be dedicated to students, military academy cadets, and university students with workshops on “positive and inclusive peace.” Simulations, role-playing games, and syndicates are planned during which participants will be “immersed” in a crisis scenario (media, environmental, political, social) and encouraged to collaborate in teams to identify the most appropriate strategies using the framework of the eight pillars of positive peace. Role-playing games and simulations are guided by the University of Palermo, while other panels are led by prestigious academic institutions worldwide. Representatives from over 40 nations are participating, both virtually and in person: Italy, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom; and Austria, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, South Korea, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Georgia, Greece, Ireland, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, Hungary. International delegations will be welcomed on the evening of Sunday, March 17, at the Royal Palace, by the President of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Hon. Gaetano Galvagno.

Il forum internazionale «pace, sicurezza e prosperità» sbarca a Palermo

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