Inspections with georadar and video on closed Papireto street in Palermo

In Palermo, after almost two years since the flooding of the Papireto canal in December 2021 and the subsequent collapse of the road surface on Via Matteo Bonello, operations have begun to restore the viability of Via Papireto. The city’s Department of Public Works, led by Totò Orlando, has scheduled preliminary investigations starting from today (October 13) and then from Monday to Friday of next week, with only Friday, October 27, remaining for further investigations. There will be temporary restrictions on pedestrian and vehicular traffic, no parking zones, and forced removals between 8 am and 6 pm on these days on Via Matteo Bonello, Via Carrettieri, and Piazza Domenico Peranni. City councilor Ottavio Zacco expresses satisfaction with the progress made in overcoming the impasse.

Palermo, la via Papireto chiusa da anni: scattano le ispezioni con georadar e video

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