Incident and illness in the Aeolian Islands prompt police and carabinieri intervention

Explanation of the article:

Two emergency rescues in the Aeolian Islands following an accident and a health issue. The incidents occurred in Vulcano and Stromboli. The Palermo station of the Sicilian Alpine and Speleological Rescue and the IV flight department of the police were engaged in the recovery of a tourist from Lombardy who was injured on the island of Vulcano.

The technicians on board the police helicopter reached the island of Vulcano and, spotted the area of the accident along the crater’s slopes, they were lowered via winch to where the injured tourist was. She had suffered a suspected fracture in her left leg due to a fall while on an excursion. After immobilizing the affected lower limb with specific medical supplies, the woman was hoisted onto the helicopter and flown to the emergency room at the hospital in Milazzo. The carabinieri were also present at the scene.

In Stromboli, on the other hand, the firefighters from the Messina command intervened to rescue a man on the island’s beach following a health issue. The firefighting team in Stromboli recovered the person who was immediately transported and handed over to medical personnel at the island’s medical center. The carabinieri also intervened.

Paura nelle Eolie, a Vulcano e a Stromboli un incidente e un malore: intervengono polizia e carabinieri

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