Incendi in Sicily, dioxin in the air even in Messina: restricts in the Pistunina area

The fire that engulfed the ecological island and a former carpentry in Pistunina, a suburb of Messina, on July 9th, had significant environmental consequences. Tests conducted by the Arpa (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) detected toxic substances in the air, particularly dioxins and furans. As a result, the Municipality of Messina issued a specific order prohibiting the use of surface and runoff water, grazing, and other forestry and farming activities within a radius of approximately one kilometer from the site of the fire. This includes the production and collection of agricultural products, including fodder, mushroom picking, edible plants, and snails. Arpa Sicilia has initiated air sampling activities in areas potentially affected by the combustion products, considering that the winds were blowing from the south.

Incendi in Sicilia, diossina nell’aria anche a Messina: divieti nell’area di Pistunina

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