In Palermo, Mafia boss Auteri chooses to remain silent as prosecutors search for his associates

The article talks about the arrest of Palermo boss Giuseppe Auteri, who had been on the run since September 2021. Investigators are focused on examining documents and phones found in his hideout in via Recupero, as well as waiting for ballistic test results on the gun found with him. Auteri, accused of various crimes including association with the mafia and drug trafficking, has chosen to remain silent in front of the judges. The investigation also looks into his connections and support network during his time as a fugitive. Auteri is linked to other mafia figures and was in charge of managing the finances of the Porta Nuova clan. The investigation is led by prosecutors Marzia Sabella and Gaspare Spedale. The article also discusses the drug trafficking business in the Porta Nuova district and Auteri’s rise in the mafia hierarchy.

Mafia a Palermo, il boss Auteri sceglie la linea del silenzio: i magistrati cercano i suoi fiancheggiatori

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