Illegal nets and expired or untraceable fish: wave of fines and seizures from Trapani to Terrasini.

Illegal networks on fishing vessels. Expired fish in the freezer cells and untraceable. All this was discovered by the Coast Guard military in Palermo during checks carried out around April 25th.

In the waters of Trapani, two fishing vessels were blocked which used illegal trawl nets with meshes smaller than required by national and community regulations. The fishing equipment was seized and the captains of the vessels were fined 2,000. 5 points were also assigned to the fishing licenses of the units and their respective captains. The catch, about 90 kilograms, was seized and donated to charity.

Also in the port of Terrasini, fishing boats were found with illegal nets on board and in this case seizures and fines were imposed. Freezer cells were checked with over one and a half tons of frozen fish products with expiration dates well exceeded. Fines were issued to the facility manager, and the fish entrusted to a company for disposal. In a local market, about 100 kilograms of untraceable fish were seized and donated to charity after Asp veterinarians declared it edible. In Termini Imerese, the military seized 100 kilograms of fish from unauthorized street vendors which was destroyed because it was not fresh. 6 administrative fines were notified to 6 individuals for a total of 9,000 euros.

Reti illegali e pesce scaduto o non tracciato: raffica di multe e sequestri da Trapani a Terrasini

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