Illegal dumpsite seized in an open-air landfill in Noto

In the context of territorial control services, with particular reference to environmental protection, the carabinieri of the Pachino Station seized an illegal dump in Noto in the Granelli area. The dump covers about a kilometer on a public road where, on both sides of the road, various types of waste, including hazardous materials, have been deposited, such as mattresses, appliances, paint drums, plastic crates, unused furniture, ceramic sanitary ware, as well as asbestos materials and decomposing animal carcasses. The area, about 2,000 square meters, has been seized and the procedures for remediation have been initiated, in addition to investigations by the Carabinieri to identify the authors of the environmental violation.

Noto, sequestrata una discarica abusiva a cielo aperto

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