Holy Week processions kick off in Enna.

With the traditional living reenactment of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the rituals of Holy Week in Enna began yesterday involving an entire city represented by 16 brotherhoods and nearly 3,000 “hooded” brothers. This Enna ritual has almost 1000 years of history dating back to the Spanish domination period. From today until Wednesday, the processions of the brotherhoods will take place as they move from their respective churches to the Cathedral.

On Wednesday evening, the living representation of the Passion and Death of Jesus will take place in the village of Pergusa. Thursday is known as the day of silence and is dedicated to visiting the Sepulchers in the churches where they are set up. On Friday, the procession of the hooded individuals takes place as they march in solemn silence along the main streets of the city from the Cathedral to the cemetery, with the bier of the Dead Christ followed by that of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary.

On Saturday evening at midnight, the holy Easter mass is held, while on Sunday afternoon the celebration of “A Paci” takes place with the meeting in front of the Cathedral of the Madonna with the Risen Christ.

Settimana Santa, via alle processioni a Enna

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