Hit-and-run in Santa Maria di Licodia: motorcyclist injured, perpetrator caught.

An auto driver from Santa Maria di Licodia was the one who hit a seventeen-year-old boy in Via Vittorio Emanuele yesterday, June 20, in the central area of the town. After the impact, he did not provide assistance and fled, but the carabinieri managed to track him down thanks to numerous testimonies collected at the scene of the accident.

Some residents of the area, who came out to help the injured young man, quickly took note of the license plate number and, within a few hours, the investigations led to the identification of the driver. The man will now have to answer for injuries and failure to provide assistance. The young motorcyclist suffered various injuries as he was thrown from the saddle, but he was wearing a helmet and the worst was averted.

An ambulance from the 118 emergency service arrived on the scene. After receiving initial treatment from the medical staff, it was decided to transport the young man to the hospital where he was admitted. The investigations to identify the hit-and-run driver started immediately: the carabinieri also extracted and viewed the footage from the surveillance cameras in the area to reconstruct the impact’s dynamics.

Santa Maria di Licodia, investe un ragazzo in moto e scappa: rintracciato il pirata della strada

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