High-impact operation, checks in Cep and Borgo Nuovo in Palermo, many fines for road code violations

The article describes the ongoing extraordinary surveillance services related to the High Impact security protocol, aimed at preventing and combating all forms of illegal activities and crimes that negatively impact safety levels. In the spotlight are the streets of the Cep-Borgo Nuovo neighborhood, where various police forces are working together to ensure safety. With the help of technical instruments, several checkpoints have been set up to ensure that drivers are operating their vehicles safely. During these checks, multiple violations of the highway code were reported, including driving under the influence, lack of vehicle inspection, absence of necessary documents, driving without a license, and seizure of uninsured vehicles. The total fines for the violations amount to approximately 13 thousand euros, and one man has been reported for driving without a license and resisting a public official.

Operazione Alto Impatto, controlli al Cep e Borgo Nuovo di Palermo, molte sanzioni per violazione del codice della strada

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