Happy ending for Palermo hairdressers Salvo and Eliana on “Affari tuoi”: they accept 26 thousand euros and avoid the 1 euro package mock.

In the latest episode of Affari tuoi, the Italian game show, the Sicilian couple Salvo and Eliana end up accepting the Doctor’s offer in the final round and walk away with a check for 26 thousand euros. Salvo expresses the hardships he faced while growing up, with both of his parents passing away at a young age. Despite a series of unfortunate events during the game, they come out as winners in the end. Salvo’s emotional connection to the number 10, the day his mother passed away, leads him to choose it in the final round even though it brings him to tears. They accept the Doctor’s offer, open their packages, and win 26 thousand euros. Salvo expresses his gratitude for finding his soulmate in Eliana and for his luck in winning the money.

Ad «Affari tuoi» lieto fine per i parrucchieri palermitani Salvo ed Eliana: accettano 26 mila euro ed evitano la beffa del pacco da 1

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