Gynecologist faces trial after misreading exam leads to fetal death in Catania.

The first hearing in the trial of gynecologist Fabiola Galvani, accused of involuntary termination of pregnancy, was held in the solitary composition of the Catania Criminal Court. The prosecution claims that in August 2019, Galvani incorrectly assessed the results of a cardiotocography test and failed to properly monitor the fetal well-being, leading to the death of the fetus. The doctor’s defense argues that she discharged the woman with instructions for a cesarean section within 48 hours. The trial has been adjourned until April 24, 2024, and subsequent hearing dates have been scheduled for September 23, October 10, and November 14, 2024. The pregnant woman and the father of the unborn child have also joined the trial as civil parties.

«Feto morto per un esame letto male»: a Catania via al processo a una ginecologa

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