Gullo remains mayor of Lipari as opponent’s appeals rejected.

Riccardo Gullo remains mayor of Lipari even in terms of justice. After two appeals filed to the Administrative Court by former mayoral candidate Gaetano Orto, the Administrative Court of Palermo also rejected the appeal filed by former councilor Ersilia Pajno and former delegate of Vulcano Giovanni Di Vincenzo, against the electoral operations of the last municipal elections. Therefore, the administrative action will continue to ensure the implementation of the electoral program and the additional administrative objectives that the administration has already started.

“The reasons for the appeal – explains Mayor Gullo – concerned procedural electoral aspects and involved all the elected officials forming the current majority and, therefore, the current active administration, completely unrelated as they solely concern the conducting of the electoral operations by the previous administration. It remains horrifying that this appeal also concerned the delivery protocols of the electoral material, the establishment of the Covid polling station, and the guarantee of voting for the personnel deployed in the sections of the minor islands.”

“Just as horrifying remains – he emphasizes – the attack carried out not only by the defeated mayoral candidate who cannot accept defeat, but also by a former and designated councilor and a former delegate, also defeated and unable to accept it. It is hoped, once again, that this latest decision of the Administrative Court of Palermo can help put an end to the temptation to discredit the current administration and that we can inaugurate a new path that can promote, on nobler values, the conduct of the administrative life of our beloved islands.”

Lipari, Gullo rimane sindaco: respinti i ricorsi del suo avversario

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