Grigliata solidale in Palermo: associations invite city’s poor to station.

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Outdoor barbecues and kilos of meat on the grill. This is how most people are spending these holiday days. The associations Anirbas and Il mio amico Andrea, who have been helping needy families and homeless people in the city for many years, wanted the holiday to be for everyone. In collaboration with numerous supermarkets, restaurants, and bakeries, volunteers organized a rich lunch in Piazzetta Cairoli, behind the Central Station, and invited those living on the streets, to whom they regularly bring food and clothes to help them.

This time they wanted to give them a day different from the others. They set up a large grill on the street and roasted 120 kilos of meat, donated by many benefactors, and distributed steaks, sausages, and chicken to over a hundred people who do not have a home and a family, who do not pay attention to the holiday because every day is the same as the others. But not this time, because everyone was able to celebrate, drink, and eat together. Some poor families also took part in the lunch, celebrating and eating with everyone else.

From Notarbartolo station, via Lincoln, and Piazza Sturzo, people arrived in droves from all over the city. Many thanked the volunteers, showing gratitude and emotion. “For too long these people have not spent the holidays together – explains Sabrina Ciulla, founder of Anirbas – . Many have not had hot meat from the grill for too long and have not experienced moments of fun and serenity like this. It was an experience that especially the younger volunteers will not easily forget – Sabrina Ciulla adds -. The sacrifices made to organize the day and collect everything necessary were repaid by the joy we saw in the eyes of those people who for a day were able to forget the troubles of life”.

Grigliata solidale a Palermo, le associazioni invitano alla Stazione i poveri della città

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