Good weather and temperature myths in Sicily for the Ognissanti holiday, but beware of surprises.

The Halloween and Ognissanti Bridge in Sicily is expected to have good weather, with only the North and Central Italy being affected by a disturbance. However, there may be some surprises on the evening of November 1st. Otherwise, the sun is expected to shine and temperatures will remain above average, but not oppressively hot. According to 3b meteo, there is little doubt about the continuation of the long holiday weekend starting from October 28-29. The first part will have occasional unstable weather, while the second part from October 30th to November 1st is expected to have bad weather in various regions. A strong disturbance, which will start developing on Sunday night, will be responsible for the bad weather. The Liguria and high Tuscany regions are at risk of intense and persistent rain and showers, extending to the rest of the North on Monday. The bad weather may continue into Monday night, affecting Lazio and intensifying in the northeast. The bad weather is expected to ease on Tuesday, the 31st. The rest of the peninsula, including the Adriatic coast, South Italy and the islands, will not be affected. The timing is fairly certain, although the exact locations of the bad weather may still change. In general, there may be critical conditions in all northern regions, particularly Liguria, Lombardy, Triveneto, the Alps/Pre-Alps and the central Tyrrhenian coast, particularly Tuscany. The temperature context will be mild for the regions along the Adriatic and South, with maximum temperatures reaching 27/28°C or even higher on the Islands. Strong or even stormy winds should be closely monitored.

Bel tempo e temperature miti in Sicilia per il ponte di Ognissanti, ma occhio alle sorprese

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