Gela: Assets worth 65 million confiscated from Francesco, Totò, and Rocco Luca over “Business deals with clan members”

The Direzione Investigativa Antimafia and the Guardia di Finanza of Caltanissetta have carried out the seizure of assets ordered by the Court of Caltanissetta, based on a proposal from the Antimafia District Directorate. The seizure targets the Luca brothers and the son of one of them, who are well-known entrepreneurs in the real estate and luxury car sectors. The three businessmen have been implicated in a criminal trial for their involvement in organized crime and have been deemed socially dangerous. The investigation revealed their reinvestment of substantial sums of money in various companies, leading to a seizure valued at approximately 65 million euros. The confiscation follows a previous seizure carried out in February 2021.

Gela, confiscati beni per 65 milioni a Francesco, Totò e Rocco Luca: «Affari con esponenti del clan»

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