Gaetano Pirrone, last provincial secretary of AN in Catania, has passed away

Gaetano Pirrone, the last provincial president of Catania, has passed away. This was announced by the senator of FdI and regional coordinator of the party in Sicily, Salvo Pogliese. Pogliese stated that with Pirrone’s passing, Sicilian Right loses a man of undeniable ethical and moral value, a representative of a world of coherence, integrity, and pure political passion. Pirrone was the last provincial president of National Alliance, and at that time I held the position of regional secretary of Youth Action. He always showed me affection, respect, and sincere friendship, and I have beautiful memories with him. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family.

È morto Gaetano Pirrone: fu l’ultimo segretario provinciale di An a Catania

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