Funeral held for Giuseppe La Barbera in Ballarò, following Casteldaccia massacre. Priest criticizes lack of job opportunities.

The article talks about the tragic death of Giuseppe La Barbera, a 28-year-old worker who died in a work accident on May 6 in Casteldaccia, where five other workers also lost their lives. The article describes the grief of his young wife, family, neighborhood, and the mayor of Palermo. Many friends and relatives attended the funeral, wearing t-shirts with Giuseppe’s photo printed on them.

The neighborhood paid their respects by observing a moment of silence for the La Barbera family, who run a gas cylinder resale business in the area. The article also mentions the presence of local officials and politicians, including the mayor of Palermo and the mayor of Casteldaccia. The priest delivering the sermon criticized the government for failing to ensure workplace safety and highlighted the dangers faced by workers in the community.

Overall, the article focuses on the community’s mourning and calls for better working conditions and safety measures to prevent future tragedies like the one that claimed Giuseppe La Barbera’s life.

Strage di Casteldaccia, a Ballarò l’ultimo saluto a Giuseppe La Barbera. Il parroco: «Incapaci di garantire un lavoro dignitoso»

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