Fundraising to help Alessia, 6, fight cancer in Palermo

The worst seemed to be behind them, but the illness has reappeared and a girl from Palermo and her parents will now have to fight with all their strength to try to defeat it, but they are asking for help from everyone. Alessia will turn six in a few days, most of which have been spent fighting against a tumor. The ordeal began in 2019 when the little girl was diagnosed with stage four alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The doctors had given little hope as there were already found metastases, but the treatment had greatly improved the situation. Two years later, the nightmare returned, and the girl underwent a successful surgery, followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, a new MRI revealed the spread of the disease, and the family is now seeking further treatment at the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome. A fundraising campaign has been started online to help the family with the additional costs. They are asking for support to help Alessia access advanced medical care and manage the financial burden of the treatment. They urge people to come together and support Alessia in her fight against the illness. Donations can be made through the go fund me link provided.

Palermo, a sei anni lotta per sconfiggere un tumore: una raccolta fondi per aiutare Alessia

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