From tax to Rai fee to the Stretto Bridge: all measures of the maneuver.

The fiscal reform bill and decree allocate a total of around 28 billion euros for 2024. Some of the measures include a renewal of the tax cut for low incomes, a reform of income tax rates, an increase in the no tax area threshold, and a reduction in the Rai TV license fee. Additional funds are provided for the public administration and healthcare sectors, including contract renewals and incentives for reducing wait times. There are also measures to support families and encourage birth rates, such as increased subsidies for childcare and contributions to working mothers’ social security. The reform package also includes provisions for employment, with tax exemptions for productivity bonuses and benefits for workers with dependents. Tax incentives are offered to companies that invest in Italy, and there are measures to promote employment and regional development. Changes to the pension system include a consolidation of retirement options and adjustments to pension calculations. Funding is also allocated for the construction of the Strait of Messina Bridge and other regional investments.

Dal fisco al canone Rai al Ponte sullo Stretto: tutte le misure della manovra

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