Friends in tears for Christian, killed in the accident in Viale Regione in Palermo: “Now fly as high as you can”

“I can’t find peace, how is it possible to die at 23 years old? Cri, why? Why! A life together! You will be forever in my heart, it’s not goodbye! Rest in peace, my love.” This is just one of the many messages that friends dedicate to Gaetano Christian Puccio, the 23-year-old who lost his life in the accident on Viale Regione Siciliana in Palermo. The young man was originally from Capaci, where the community was deeply affected by the news of his death. “The whole town is shocked – writes Giovanni on social media – we can’t accept that you, so cheerful and with the great desire to live that distinguished you, are no longer with us.” The impact between the car the boy was traveling in, a Fiat Punto driven by a forty-year-old, and a Fiat Sedici proved to be fatal: the crash at the height of Via Principe di Paternò was terrible, to the point of causing the car to hit a lighting pole. The vehicle then overturned. “No Cristian – Maria adds – why you of all people. Receiving this news has broken my heart. I will always remember you, I have no words to express. Condolences to the family, I am close to you.” Just before the tragedy, Christian had shared a photo of himself on social media: “I mean, posting a story just a few hours ago and then hearing that you are dead – writes another friend – I don’t understand anything about this life anymore. You were a very nice guy, I still remember how you used to laugh and joke. Heartfelt condolences to the entire family… What terrible news.” And again: “Christian, fly as high as you can and protect your family from up there, we will never forget you.” Friend Alessandra shares a video of her singing with Puccio. They are happy and smiling, but one of the last images of the boy: “Brother, a part of you will always remain in my heart. I miss you so much already. Cri, make even the angels in heaven laugh. Rest in peace, brother, what an unfair life.”

Amici in lacrime per Christian, morto nell’incidente in viale Regione a Palermo: «Ora vola più in alto che puoi»

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