Francesco Averna, doctor, single: Messina Denaro’s Facebook profile
Matteo Messina Denaro was active on social networks, under a false name. The boss of Castelvetrano, arrested on January 16, 2023 after thirty years on the run, used Facebook under the name Francesco Averna, a surgeon, graduate of Bocconi University in Milan and single. But the godfather had made a mistake, even a gross one, because there is no Faculty of Medicine at Bocconi. As a profile picture, Messina Denaro had a white dog with a blue handkerchief around his neck. Five friends in total and many pages followed including pubs, restaurants and clubs in Campobello di Mazara. It is not possible to view any content posted. On Instagram, he called himself f.averna. A closed, secure profile, just like the previous one, where no public information can be seen except for the photo of the white dog with the blue handkerchief and the word doctor under the name Francesco Averna 17. The activity, on this front, seems to have been greater, in fact the boss followed 443 profiles and was followed by 71 people.
Francesco Averna, medico, single: il profilo Facebook di Messina Denaro
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