Four young people arrested in Palermo for car theft: targeted “Fiat 500 L”.

In Palermo, the police arrested four young people caught in the act: C.E, 18 years old, C.C., 19 years old, C.A., 22 years old, and D.A.O., 20 years old. They are accused of theft and attempted car theft. They are all from Palermo. The police are investigating the hypothesis that the four may have committed other recent thefts.

The police note that car theft, especially of certain models sought in the black market, has become a significant phenomenon in recent times, especially in some city neighborhoods. This is why they have decided to intensify territorial control activities. These investigations, based on geographical data of this type of crime, have involved different investigative units, as the police headquarters calls them. It is not by chance that, through the special operations group of the mobile squad, a thorough monitoring of the most at-risk city streets has been set up.

During one of the services conducted in the Zisa neighborhood, the police arrested the four, observed from a distance by agents while attempting to steal. The arrests, made in flagrante delicto, were based on previous investigative findings. The police had suspicions about a vehicle believed to be used by car thieves well rooted in the area. Following this hypothesis, agents set up observation services to locate the vehicle until it was spotted and discreetly followed around Piazzale Einstein. Following that vehicle, the agents witnessed two raids targeting Fiat 500 L cars, one near via Beato Angelico and the other on via Guarneri.

In the first case, the four gave up due to the screams of citizens witnessing the attempted break-in, while in the second case, the theft was completed and the four young people, in two cars, the stolen one and another used as a relay, were blocked and arrested. A search of the raid vehicle led to the discovery of 5 perfectly functioning remote controls, a code reader unit, and burglary tools.

The four were arrested. All material and the relay car were seized, and the stolen car was returned to its owner.

Furti d’auto, arrestati quattro giovani a Palermo: avevano preso di mira le «Fiat 500 L»

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