Four sentenced and seven facing trial for cocaine trafficking from Catania to Marsala

The article reports that four out of eleven individuals involved in a drug trafficking operation known as “Operation Fox” have been sentenced by the judge in Marsala. The operation revealed a cocaine trafficking network from Catania to Capo Boeo, with about two kilograms of cocaine arriving in Marsala every month. The main convicted individuals are Vincenzo Fabio Licari, Agatino Lorenzo Abate, Riccardo Giacalone, and Carlo Frazzitta. Licari received a sentence of four and a half years in prison plus a 24,000 euro fine, while Abate got two years in prison and a 10,000 euro fine. The other two were sentenced to lesser terms. Seven other individuals are awaiting trial in front of the Marsala Court, with the trial scheduled to begin on June 26th. The “Operation Fox” investigation involved 14 people, six of whom were arrested, including Licari, Marino, and Abate.

Cocaina da Catania a Marsala, quattro condannati e sette rinviati a giudizio

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