Forty years ago, the Chinnici murder happened, and Palermo will never forget the judge who created the Pool.

Rocco Chinnici, the judge and creator of the antimafia pool, was described by magistrates past and present as an innovator of modern judiciary, intuitive, a precursor, a hard worker, and an example. Forty years ago, on July 29th, he was killed in Palermo, along with three others, when a car filled with 75 kilograms of explosives was detonated in front of the 59th civic building on Pipitone Federico Street.

To commemorate this important anniversary, the Rocco Chinnici Foundation organized a seminar yesterday in the auditorium of the Court of Appeal in Palermo. President Sergio Mattarella and other civil and military authorities were present. The topics discussed included the memory and continuity of Rocco Chinnici’s work, the investigations office in Palermo, and Italian and European antimafia legislation. Giovanni and Caterina Chinnici, the judge’s children, welcomed the attendees. Giovanni Chinnici highlighted that after the murders of Boris Giuliano and Cesare Terranova in early 1980, his father understood the need to create a group of specialized judges to counteract the increasingly grave, violent, powerful, and subversive mafia phenomenon. This led to the formation of the antimafia pool with Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino, and Guseppe Di Lello. This group of magistrates, after the assassination of his father, went on to lead the path that ultimately led to the maxi-trial in Palermo.

Today at 9:30 am, wreaths will be laid at the site of the massacre on Pipitone Federico Street in Palermo. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice President of the Council, Antonio Tajani, will be present at the ceremony. A memorial mass for the victims of the massacre will take place at 10 am in the Church of San Michele Arcangelo.

In the photo, the President of the Republic is seen placing a rose at the monument dedicated to Rocco Chinnici.

(Source: Anna Cane’s comprehensive report in today’s edition of Giornale di Sicilia)

Quarant’anni fa il delitto Chinnici, Palermo non dimentica il giudice che creò il Pool

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