Forty-year-old arrested for attempting theft at University of Catania

In Catania, a 40-year-old man was arrested by the carabinieri last night for being caught stealing in the premises of the Department of Agriculture, food and environment of the university in via Valdisavoia. He is accused of attempted aggravated theft and resistance to a public official.

He had entered the premises after forcing a door and had taken possession of some equipment in the teaching laboratories but while he was carrying them away, an alarm connected to a security institute went off, which immediately contacted the central operational of the provincial command of the carabinieri. The soldiers, reaching the premises in a few minutes, caught the man hiding in the premises and stopped him before he could flee. The arrest was validated by the judge, who ordered the precautionary measure of house arrest.

Tenta un furto all’Università di Catania, arrestato quarantenne

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