Former magistrate Saguto’s arrest procedures taking place in Palermo.

Former president of the Prevention Measures section of the Palermo court, Silvana Saguto, is currently receiving notification of an execution order from the finance police of the economic-financial police unit of the Sicilian capital. The measure comes from the General Prosecutor’s Office of Caltanissetta, which deemed that, based on the decision of the Court of Cassation yesterday, a “partial judgment” could be executed and the former magistrate arrested. Saguto has been under investigation since 2015 but has never been subjected to restrictive precautionary measures. Yesterday, the Supreme Court ordered a new appeal trial in Caltanissetta, only to determine the sentence, but the guilt for the more serious offenses (extortion, corruption, and others) was confirmed. Therefore, law enforcement is about to carry out the arrest. Saguto has been hospitalized for health problems in a clinic in Palermo for the past 20 days, but according to her lawyers, this would not hinder her arrest.

Saguto, in corso a Palermo le procedure di arresto dell’ex magistrato

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