Foreigner steals in a house, takes the car keys and drives off

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Two young foreigners seen, for the first time, aboard a car raise suspicions for a crew of the mobile section of the Carabinieri of Giarre passing through via Pio La Torre in Riposto. The Carabinieri decide to proceed with a check, ordering the driver to pull over. But the boy at the wheel, instead of stopping, speeds up, also putting the safety of other road users at risk. After turning around and activating sirens and flashing lights, the Carabinieri chase the car, a Citroen C4 Picasso, whose occupants, when they see themselves reached, get out of the car, abandon it, and flee on foot.

Although very young, the two individuals, aged 22 and 24 respectively, were unable to run fast enough to avoid being caught by the Carabinieri, who apprehended them. Investigations conducted on the vehicle revealed that the car had been stolen shortly before in Acireale from a forty-year-old, who had left it locked in the condominium courtyard.

The investigation, carried out by the mobile section officers, revealed that at least one of the two young men had broken into the residence of the forty-year-old, stealing – in addition to some items, including a video camera and a pair of binoculars – also the keys to the Citroen, aboard which he was subsequently stopped with his fellow countryman.

The two were arrested by the Carabinieri for burglary, car theft, and resisting a public official and handed over to the judicial authority, which, at the validation hearing, ordered only the twenty-four-year-old to be placed under the precautionary measure of presenting himself to the judicial police.

Riporto, straniero ruba in una casa, prende le chiavi dell’auto e porta via anche quella

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