Fleximan has arrived in Palermo: pole sawed with a photo trap on Messina Marine Street.

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Is Fleximan also coming to Palermo? This is the question that residents of via Messina Marine are asking themselves, as in the past few hours they noticed the pole supporting a camera near the dumpsters, cut at the base. The report was made by the councilor of the second district, Giuseppe Guaresi: “At number 785, a photo trap had been installed a few meters from the area where waste is disposed. It was placed to capture the litterbugs who throw garbage at unauthorized times or leave other materials that daily cause the formation of open-air dumps here.”

“Someone cut the pole: I announce the arrival of Fleximan then, here in Palermo too,” he adds. The reference is to the person, or group not yet identified, who in the regions of Northern Italy in recent months has knocked down numerous speed cameras. A phenomenon that returned to the spotlight a few days ago in Lazio, where even the 5G repeater poles were cut.

But it doesn’t end there, because last week a new case occurred in Veneto, where a road sign was targeted. Although Fleximan is no longer in the national headlines, between antennas and signs, various emulators around the Peninsula seem to strike more and more often. The case recorded in via Messina Marine in Palermo, therefore, could be yet another case.

«Fleximan è arrivato a Palermo»: segato il palo con la fototrappola in via Messina Marine

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