First of May, Schlein and Conte also attending Portella della Ginestra demonstration: here is the program

Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte will be in Piana degli Albanesi tomorrow to commemorate the victims of Portella della Ginestra. The secretary of the Democratic Party, who was present last year as well, and the president of the 5 Star Movement will participate in the event organized by Cgil and Fp Cgil of Palermo, which will be concluded by Serena Sorrentino, national general secretary of Fp Cgil. “Peace. Constitution. Rights” is the title of the event organized this year by Cgil Palermo together with the FP Cgl, the category of workers in public services.

At 8:30 there will be a commemoration at the cemetery of Piana degli Albanesi, with the laying of a wreath in the chapel and the participation of the municipal administration and the eparchy of Piana alongside Cgil and FP Cgil. At 9:30, a gathering will take place at the Casa del Popolo in Piana. The procession, led by the Mezzojuso band “Giuseppe Petta,” will start around 10 to reach the plateau of Portella, the memorial of the massacre.

The ceremony will take place at the Sasso di Barbato, introduced by a minute of silence and the reading of the names of the victims. Maria Modica, head of the Piana degli Albanesi Workers’ Chamber, will open the event. This will be followed by the intervention of Cgil Palermo general secretary Mario Ridulfo. The event will be concluded by national general secretary of Fp Cgil, Serena Sorrentino. Cgil Palermo and Fp Cgil, from Portella, are together relaunching themes such as the role of work, peace, defense of the Constitution, social justice, and the referendum campaign for fair and safe work. During the event, both in Piana degli Albanesi before the start of the procession, and at Portella during the speech, it will be possible to sign the four referendum questions promoted by Cgil which aim to restore dignity to work.

“The First of May, the Workers’ Day – says Cgil Palermo general secretary Mario Ridulfo – is not the end of a journey but represents the continuation of a mobilization for work that has never stopped and now needs to continue for peace in Europe, in Ukraine, in Russia, in the Mediterranean, in Palestine, in Israel, because perhaps someone may deceive themselves into winning a war, but we all lose peace. In a world without peace, there is no social justice, and without peace and justice, work is only exploitation. Even when everything may seem lost, given the winds of war and the risk of authoritarian drift even in our country, we must start from the bottom, from ourselves: from workers. When workers do not have answers to their legitimate demands, the main path to refer to is the Constitution.”

“We are essential by constitution and, as the slogan of the Public Service says, without public workers, many of the rights that must be ensured for everyone would be lost – says Fp Cgil Palermo secretary Giovanni Cammuca – attacks on the 1948 Charter, on personal rights starting from health, on social dignity and the right to strike and express their opinions are multiplying. This is why the mobilization, which saw us as public services in the square on April 20 in Rome for the national demonstration of Cgil and Uil on health and safety in the workplace, for a fair tax system, for salaries, for public health, continues now with the referendums and with the demonstration on May 25 in Naples against differentiated autonomy and premium and defense of the Constitution.”

Primo Maggio, alla manifestazione di Portella della Ginestra anche Schlein e Conte: ecco il programma

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