First electric car made in Italy entirely by a school in Messina

For the first time in Italy, an electric car has been entirely created by students and teachers at the Verona Trento Institute in Messina. The project, called Meme (Mobilità Elettrica per una Messina Ecosostenibile), will be presented at the Salone delle Bandiere del Comune on December 11th. The car was developed using recycled materials and innovative batteries provided by Cnr Itae in Messina. The primary energy for recharging the batteries comes from renewable solar and wind sources. The presentation will include an introduction by various officials, an explanation of the car’s components, and discussions on innovative energy storage systems. The event will be moderated by a journalist from Gazzetta del Sud, and the car will be on display in Piazza Unione Europea. The project will also receive the Imprendi Award for its completeness, innovativeness, partnership with Cnr, and consistency with sustainability goals. The event will be streamed to other schools in Italy that are part of the E-mobility network.

A Messina la prima macchina elettrica realizzata in Italia interamente da una scuola

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