First case in Sicily of deferred flagrant arrest for violence against women in Gela.

Ex-husband stalked and threatened his ex-wife, despite having a restraining order, and continued to harass her while on house arrest, also insulting her with various epithets. He even followed her to church. Now, the man from Gela has ended up in prison thanks to the new provisions of the Code Red Bis. This recent amendment allows for “deferred-flagrance” arrests in cases of violation of restraining orders and harassment. This is the first time the law has been applied in Sicily and one of the first times in Italy. The man, 32 years old, was arrested by the police in Gela and is now facing charges. The prosecutor, Lucia Musti, emphasized the effectiveness of the law in this case, showing that even electronic monitoring was not enough for this individual. The man repeatedly threatened and harassed his wife, causing her severe anxiety and fear for her safety. Despite being on house arrest, he continued to visit her and her family members against the court order. The prosecutor, Musti, praised the enforcement of the law and the balance and rigor in applying it during the trial.

Violenza sulle donne, a Gela il primo caso in Sicilia di arresto in flagranza differita

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