Fire in Canicattì, homeless shelter evacuated along with nearby house

Fear in Canicattì for a fire that broke out in the Borgalino neighborhood. The flames destroyed a house often used as a shelter by homeless people. Some residents, alarmed by the flames, contacted the firefighters.

The firefighters who intervened on the scene extinguished the flames, secured the building, and carried out inspections to understand the exact dynamics of the fire. The evacuation of a house adjacent to where the fire broke out was also ordered. A family originally from Romania was evacuated.

From the initial investigations, it emerged that the fire was caused by a fire lit by some people who were using the apartment as a shelter. However, there were no people inside when the firefighters arrived.

Canicattì, incendio in un’abitazione utilizzata da alcuni senzatetto: evacuata casa adiacente

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