Fear in Trapani after earthquake tremor: some schools closed early

An earthquake tremor was felt in Trapani and the surrounding areas just before noon. The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) detected a magnitude of 2.4 on the northwestern Sicilian coast at a depth of seven kilometers at 11:43. There were no reported damages to people or property, but within minutes, hundreds of messages asking for information about the earthquake were posted on social media.

The tremor was felt by most of the population and many were frightened. Some were at home, while others were on the way to pick up their children from school. Some schools even let students out early. “Even my son felt the earthquake – wrote a mother commenting on a woman’s post – and the children left early as a precaution. They didn’t even have their backpacks on.” Last week, on April 26, another tremor in Trapani caused panic among the people.

The 3.0 magnitude quake was felt in the city, as well as in Mazara del Vallo and Marsala. In this case as well, the INGV detected the tremor, which was isolated with an epicenter in the sea, around 8 in the morning.

Paura a Trapani per una scossa di terremoto: alcune scuole chiuse in anticipo

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